Helatorstaina kisaillaan peräti kolmesti viikkokisojen merkeissä.
- Mukaan mahtuu 72 pelaajaa per kisa
- Osallistumismaksu per kisa on 2 euroa (2 x 1e tai 1 x 2e).
- Ei lisenssejä, ei jäsenyyksiä.
Alustava aikataulu on seuraavanlainen:
Kisa 1: Ilmoittautuminen 9:00, Pelaajakokous 10:00
Kisa 2: Ilmo 13:00, pelaajakokous 14:00
Kisa 3: Ilmo 17:00, pelaajakokous 18:00
Talin viikkokisat - Supertorstai 30.5.19
Valvojat: Mini-Nieminen, Chukie, jwinterh, Hallitus
- Viestit: 7
- Liittynyt: Ti Maalis 27, 2012 8:19
- Oikea nimi: Toni Määttänen
- Paikkakunta: Vantaa
- Viesti:
Re: Talin viikkokisat - Supertorstai 30.5.19
Onko tuloksia missään?
Re: Talin viikkokisat - Supertorstai 30.5.19
Super-Torsdag 30.5
Scores for round one: http://dgt.golftulos.com/ttvk_scorelist.php?ttvkid=509
Scores for round two: http://dgt.golftulos.com/ttvk_scorelist.php?ttvkid=510
Scores for round three: http://dgt.golftulos.com/ttvk_scorelist.php?ttvkid=511
The following players were awarded 10€ gift cards to Powergrip Helsinki store:
(You'll need the four-digit gift card code and an account to powergrip website. Fill the code in, when checking out.)
Round I:
players: 27, first-timers: 5, no DNFs
gift cards:
2986 Vink, Riku 53 (best score)
2987 Svan, Niko
2988 Ramadingaye, Josef
Round II:
players: 44, first-timers: 7, 2 DNFs
gift cards:
2989 Åström, Måns 58 (best score. Tied with another player, but wins due to lower handicap)
2990 Engman, Matias
2991 Anderson, Andreo
2992 Ylikangas, Mikko
2993 Määttänen, Toni
2994 Jarl, Stefan
Round III:
players: 48, first-timers: 3, 2 DNFs
gift cards:
2995 Piippo, Ville 53 (best score)
2996 Anderson, Andreo
2997 Sander, Santtu
2998 Stigzelius, Markus
2999 Raitio, Mikko
3000 Eksymä, Kalle
The coveted Mini-Stamina prize is awarded to player, who participates in all three weeklies of the day and posts lowest score.
This year Riku Vink had the lowest score of 170 from all three rounds, and is awarded a gift card to Powergrip store
3001 Vink, Riku (Mini-stamina 170)
Thank you for participating!
Scores for round one: http://dgt.golftulos.com/ttvk_scorelist.php?ttvkid=509
Scores for round two: http://dgt.golftulos.com/ttvk_scorelist.php?ttvkid=510
Scores for round three: http://dgt.golftulos.com/ttvk_scorelist.php?ttvkid=511
The following players were awarded 10€ gift cards to Powergrip Helsinki store:
(You'll need the four-digit gift card code and an account to powergrip website. Fill the code in, when checking out.)
Round I:
players: 27, first-timers: 5, no DNFs
gift cards:
2986 Vink, Riku 53 (best score)
2987 Svan, Niko
2988 Ramadingaye, Josef
Round II:
players: 44, first-timers: 7, 2 DNFs
gift cards:
2989 Åström, Måns 58 (best score. Tied with another player, but wins due to lower handicap)
2990 Engman, Matias
2991 Anderson, Andreo
2992 Ylikangas, Mikko
2993 Määttänen, Toni
2994 Jarl, Stefan
Round III:
players: 48, first-timers: 3, 2 DNFs
gift cards:
2995 Piippo, Ville 53 (best score)
2996 Anderson, Andreo
2997 Sander, Santtu
2998 Stigzelius, Markus
2999 Raitio, Mikko
3000 Eksymä, Kalle
The coveted Mini-Stamina prize is awarded to player, who participates in all three weeklies of the day and posts lowest score.
This year Riku Vink had the lowest score of 170 from all three rounds, and is awarded a gift card to Powergrip store
3001 Vink, Riku (Mini-stamina 170)
Thank you for participating!